初学Haskell,在做CIS 194 HomeWork1时遇到的四柱汉渃塔最优解问题。过程中对递归与函数式编程产生了许多新的理解,在此做一下记录。
The Towers of Hanoi is a classic puzzle with a solution that can be described recursively. Disks of different sizes are stacked on three pegs; the goal is to get from a starting configuration with all disks stacked on the first peg to an ending configuration with all disks stacked on the last peg, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Towers of Hanoi The only rules are • you may only move one disk at a time, and • a larger disk may never be stacked on top of a smaller one. For example, as the first move all you can do is move the topmost, smallest disk onto a different peg, since only one disk may be moved at a time.
Figure 2: A valid first move. From this point, it is illegal to move to the configuration shown in Figure 3, because you are not allowed to put the green disk on top of the smaller blue one.
Figure 3: An illegal configuration. To move n discs (stacked in increasing size) from peg a to peg b using peg c as temporary storage,
- move n − 1 discs from a to c using b as temporary storage
- move the top disc from a to b
- move n − 1 discs from c to b using a as temporary storage.
Given the number of discs and names for the three pegs, hanoi should return a list of moves to be performed to move the stack of discs from the first peg to the second.
type Peg = String
type Move = (Peg, Peg)
-- hanoi numOfDiscs->originPeg->targetPeg->otherPeg->moves
hanoi :: Integer->Peg->Peg->Peg->[Move]
hanoi 0 a b c = []
hanoi n a b c = hanoi (n - 1) a c b ++ [(a, b)] ++ hanoi (n - 1) c b a
这几行程序没费什么力,使我深深地体会到了Haskell的简洁与优雅,这种写法实在是太漂亮了。这里用了很简单的一个思路,hanoi n a b c表示由a柱,经c柱移动n个盘子到b柱。
hanoi n a b c = hanoi (n - 1) a c b ++ [(a, b)] ++ hanoi (n - 1) c b a
这句代码表达先把上层 n - 1个盘子由a柱移动到c柱,再把最底层盘子直接移动到b柱,最后把c柱上的盘子也移动到b柱。Haskell这种写法在简洁与表达力上实在是令我惊叹。
- 由a柱经过b柱的辅助将除最下层盘子外的盘子移动到d柱;
- 将最下层盘子移动到b柱;
- 由d柱经过a柱的辅助将盘子移动到b柱
hanoiPlus :: Integer->Peg->Peg->Peg->Peg->[Move]
hanoiPlus 0 _ _ _ _ = []
hanoiPlus n a b c d = hanoiPlus (left - k) a c b d
++ hanoi k a d b
++ [(a, b)]
++ hanoi k d b a
++ hanoiPlus (left - k) c b a d
left = n - 1
k = n `div` 2
hanoiPlus :: Integer->Peg->Peg->Peg->Peg->[Move]
hanoiPlus 0 _ _ _ _ = []
hanoiPlus n a b c d = hanoiPlus (left - k) a c b d
++ hanoi k a d b
++ [(a, b)]
++ hanoi k d b a
++ hanoiPlus (left - k) c b a d
left = n - 1
k = minimalDivide n
minimalDivide :: Integer->Integer
minimalDivide 0 = 0
minimalDivide n = head (minimalDivideList n)
minimalDivideList :: Integer->[Integer]
minimalDivideList 0 = []
minimalDivideList n = minimalDivideList' [1,2..n] []
minimalDivideList' :: [Integer]->[Integer]->[Integer]
minimalDivideList' (x:xs) [] = minimalDivideList' xs (0:[])
minimalDivideList' [] ys = ys
minimalDivideList' (x:xs) (y:ys) = minimalDivideList' xs ((cur):(y:ys))
cur = if x - y <= 1 || (hanoiPlus' x y) <= (hanoiPlus' x (y + 1))
then y else y + 1
hanoiPlus' :: Integer->Integer->Integer
hanoiPlus' 0 _ = 0
hanoiPlus' n' divide =
2 * (hanoiPlus' left' divide')
+ (2^divide - 1) * 2 + 1
left' = n' - divide - 1
divide' = if left' == 0 then 0
else (reverse (y:ys))!!fromInteger(left' - 1)